Lily Charles is the pen name of Charlene Ball and Libby Ware. MURDER AT THE ESTATE SALE is the first in their Molly and Emma Booksellers Series.

Charlene Ball is the author of DARK LADY: A NOVEL OF EMILIA BASSANO LANYER (She Writes Press, 2017), winner of the Sarton Award from Story Circle. She has published short stories and articles in academic and literary journals. In her former life, she worked as a college administrator and instructor. In 2009, she retired and is busier than ever writing, volunteering, and bookselling. Under the name Toadlily Books, she and her wife and writing partner Libby Ware sell antiquarian and collectible books. Charlene and Libby married in 2016 and live about a mile from each other in Atlanta.

Libby Ware is an antiquarian bookseller and owner of Toadlily Books. She is a member of Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America and president of Georgia Antiquarian Booksellers Association. She is a fellow of The Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences. Her debut novel, LUM, won the American Library Association’s Stonewall Honor Book in Literature, a gold medal by the Independent Publishers Association, and was a finalist for Lambda Literary’s Debut Novel Award. She reads, writes, collects and sells books, living in Atlanta with her dog, Robin, about a mile away from her wife Charlene Ball.